For inquiry on British Women and Sexuality, asked approximately 1,000 women in years 20 to 60-plus about their fantasies and how frequently they make sex.
They were asked how much they enjoyed sex, when they lost their virginity, if they had faked an
orgasm and whether they had made an abortion.
Data help to reveal many intriguing things and disperse a few widespread myths.
However, perhaps the most striking finding is that as distinct from popular claims that sex in middle age can be the most worthwhile. The great number of British women in their 50s have the exact opposite.
Millions of energetic, professionally successful women over 50 are making very little sex really, and in consonance with UK-wide sample, it happens to sign the beginning of a very sharp
sexual decrease.
70 per cent of women in years 40-49 are physically
intimate with their partners once a week or more. When they reach the 50-59 age bracket, 41 per cent said that they were making sex less than once a month.
Besides, even when those women make sex, sex does not seem fulfilling. 43 per cent of the women over 50 estimated their sex life as “poor or very poor”, while a scanty two per cent estimated it “excellent”.
Contrastingly, 47 per cent of those in years 40-49 thought their sex lives to be “good or excellent”.
More than a quarter of women criticised their partner for this sharp sexual decrease, admitting that they either lost interest in their wife or simply had not a good relationship with him.
The problem is that in many cases men may not understand how dissatisfied their spouses are. A doubtful six out of ten women aged 50-59 realize that they fake orgasms with their husband.
Distinctly, the menopause is a significant factor. Just 53 per cent of women in the age 50-59 refer menopause as a reason of their low sexual desire.
But the greatest problem is fatigue and pressure of work. 65 per cent of British women give as a cause for their low libido.
Sarah Taylor, who lives with Donald in Swindon, Wiltshire, says that it is very disappointing to be celibate within a married life.
The problem is that the longer you do not have
sex, the harder it is to recover the intimacy.